Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Random Act of Cuteness!

Here by popular demand is video of Logan jumping in his new jump-a-roo jumper. (Okay, maybe not by popular demand, but by Aunt Karrie's request. I am sure, however, that it will be by popular demand once you see how cute it is!) Anyway, he loves jumping in his jump-a-roo and he is so funny in it as you will soon see. I can not believe he is getting so big so fast! He's not a little baby anymore! I guess it is time for us to have another one. HA!!! I am totally kidding!!! We are SO done!!!! (Really Michael, we are!) Anyway, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ride 'em Cowboys!!

Brady and Collin are getting to where they play so good together (for the most part anyway)! They are so funny to watch. Brady is the typical big brother bossing Collin around, and Collin does everything his big brother says or does. They seriously crack each other (and me) up. I hope they will always be best buddies no matter how old they are.

Here are Brady and Collin "ridin' the range" this morning in Logan's room. Note how under no circumstance will Collin let go of the sucker in his right hand. Too cute even if I do say so myself!!

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Here are some pictures of the boys we took this morning in their Valentine's Day shirts. We hope that all of our friends and family have a Valentine's Day full of love, laughter, and happiness. We love you all!

Logan professing his love for his #1 girl- ME!!!The only picture I could get of all three boys. Logan is crying because just moments before the picture was snapped, Brady pulled the pillow out from behind him causing him to fall over backwards. Note how Brady is making it appear that it is all Logan's fault and none of his own!
Brady and Collin in a rare embrace. I guess technically it could be classified as a "choke-hold" but hey, I like to think positive!
Brady and Logan making nice!! Forgive and forget right???

Monday, February 12, 2007

Let the "Blogging" Begin

Okay, I have finally caved and decided that the time has come for me to start a blog. This is a big step for me since I am pretty much computer illiterate but I figure I can learn as I go. I decided to start blogging so that I can have a record of all of the funny, not so funny, cute and not so cute things that happen on a daily basis being the mother of all little boys, and so that I can share them with friends and family. Plus, since I can't ever seem to find the time to start scrapbooking, I thought this would be the next best thing. So let the blogging begin!

Here is a current picture of Brady, Logan, and Collin. Sorry they are not looking at the camera, I guess next time I need to turn off the TV!

Here is Brady after the "Packing Peanut Incident of 2007". Don't ask!!!!

Collin playing outside! Snotty nose and all! (I really am a good mother!)

Logan watching his big brothers play outside.

Brady pouring sand on Collin! Poor Collin! My sweet middle child!