Saturday, September 1, 2007

First Hair Cut

We took Logan to get his first haircut yesterday. I had been putting it off because I knew that once his hair was cut he would look like such a big boy and I really wanted to hold on to that baby look for a little while longer. I was hoping to wait until his first birthday but his hair was just getting way too long and, quite frankly, I was a little tired of people calling him a "her" every time we went out somewhere. (I mean come on, is it not the style now for boys to wear their hair a little longer?) Anyhoo, Jay has been on me for a while telling me that he really needed a hair cut so I went ahead and made him an appointment too when I made them for Brady and Collin. Below are pictures from the big event.

Logan before the hair massacre began...My sweet little baby angel face!!

Okay, this is not too bad...
Enough already!!!
Are we done yet???

Hey, leave me SOME hair for goodness sakes!
Almost done.....
The finished product!!!!!

Just as I suspected, my sweet little baby boy now looks like a sweet BIG boy!! I can't believe how much one haircut can change their looks! I mean next thing I know he will be walking! He really does look super handsome though! Just like his brothers! If you thought they all looked alike before wait until you see them all together now!!!! I will have more pictures of all the boys to post soon!!


Lisa said...

He looks just like Brady now! He is so precious. I love the pics eith his pouty little lips!

Anonymous said...

I love the picture where the lady is forcing his head down. What a cutie!! Can't wait till the birthday!

Tami said...

He is so cute! How did you get him to sit still? I know what you mean about people calling him a girl. When we are out with Callie, even if she is covered in pink from head to toe, people call her an "adorable little guy." She has no hair! Although, I have spied a little curl in the back...

tamandscott said...

Gosh, they all look so alike now! He looks too cute. He did well, too!

Jennifer said...

Love the cut! He looks so much like Brady.

Jenna said...

He looks so sweet and cute!!

tamandscott said...

Laurie--it's October 7th...

Lisa said... post please!

Lisa said...

new post! new post! new post! The boys are going to be 16 before I see them again!

Anonymous said...

You need an update sister!