I am sorry that I have not been very good about keeping my blog updated lately. I seriously think about sitting down to do it, and sometimes I even do, but it never fails I somehow always manage to get side-tracked! I just keep telling myself better late than never, right????
Day to day life in a household with three little boys is crazy to say the least! It seems like I am able to "tune out" the almost constant state of chaos most of the time,but I can only imagine how life inside my home appears to those who are not use to having three young children running around. Jay and I often joke after friends come to visit that we are probably a great source of birth control for many couples. We can almost hear them as they get into their cars to leave saying "Maybe 2 kids is all we need" or "So-and-so will be just fine as an only child, right?" We however, would not have it any other way. I took all 3 of the boys with me to Walmart one day last week and I kid you not 2 different people came up to me and said, "Oh, you have 3 boys!" and then they said "BLESS YOU!" At first I wasn't sure how to take the comments wondering if their was something about our appearance that just screamed "MASS CHAOS!" I mean sure, the boys hair probably was not combed and it very likely that I was not wearing a stitch of make-up and probably had a stain on whatever shirt I was wearing, but I don't think that we were that out of our element! Then I decided to take the comments for what they were, BLESSINGS! I am blessed!! I have 3 happy, healthy, beautiful little boys who God has allowed to call ME Mommy! So yeah, things may be crazy and I may only get to update my blog once every 2 months but like I said before, I would not have it any other way because it is the way things are meant to be!
Brady and Collin trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.

This is what Logan thought of Halloween! What a cute little bat baby!!!!

The boys with Paige, my college roommate's daughter. Is she not the cutest?????

Mimi and the boys "just a swingin' "! (Okay seriously, I am a dork!)

I hope you enjoyed the new pictures! I really do hope to have more posted soon! Until then love to you all!!!