Monday, December 10, 2007

About Time, I Know!

I am sorry that I have not been very good about keeping my blog updated lately. I seriously think about sitting down to do it, and sometimes I even do, but it never fails I somehow always manage to get side-tracked! I just keep telling myself better late than never, right????

Day to day life in a household with three little boys is crazy to say the least! It seems like I am able to "tune out" the almost constant state of chaos most of the time,but I can only imagine how life inside my home appears to those who are not use to having three young children running around. Jay and I often joke after friends come to visit that we are probably a great source of birth control for many couples. We can almost hear them as they get into their cars to leave saying "Maybe 2 kids is all we need" or "So-and-so will be just fine as an only child, right?" We however, would not have it any other way. I took all 3 of the boys with me to Walmart one day last week and I kid you not 2 different people came up to me and said, "Oh, you have 3 boys!" and then they said "BLESS YOU!" At first I wasn't sure how to take the comments wondering if their was something about our appearance that just screamed "MASS CHAOS!" I mean sure, the boys hair probably was not combed and it very likely that I was not wearing a stitch of make-up and probably had a stain on whatever shirt I was wearing, but I don't think that we were that out of our element! Then I decided to take the comments for what they were, BLESSINGS! I am blessed!! I have 3 happy, healthy, beautiful little boys who God has allowed to call ME Mommy! So yeah, things may be crazy and I may only get to update my blog once every 2 months but like I said before, I would not have it any other way because it is the way things are meant to be!

Okay, enough of the sappy mumbo jumbo. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the last couple of months. I am really going to try and be better about keeping my blog updated. By that I mean you might get to see Christmas pictures before Valentine's Day! Just kidding of course! (Maybe!!!) HA!

Brady and Collin trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.

Note how they are pretty much in this poor woman's house! Brady has never met a stranger!

This is what Logan thought of Halloween! What a cute little bat baby!!!!

The boys with Paige, my college roommate's daughter. Is she not the cutest?????

Mimi and the boys "just a swingin' "! (Okay seriously, I am a dork!)
Mommy's birthday!! The boy's decorated for my "surprise" party while Jay and I went to dinner. All day long Brady kept telling me about my "surprise" party. It was pretty funny! SURPRISE!
This is a random picture of Collin that we took one day in the car. I looked back at him and this is what I saw! Luckily we had the camera with us! I love it!
This is your brain.....This is your brain on Micky D's......
Collin playing on the computer in just a diaper. Enough said.

Brady and Logan hanging out watching morning 'toons. So sweet!

I hope you enjoyed the new pictures! I really do hope to have more posted soon! Until then love to you all!!!


Lisa said...

If your Walmart is anything like our Walmart you were probably the best dressed folks in there! :-)

I love my sweet boys!

Jennifer said...

Okay, so yes I'm shy one boy but I can say that it's the best thing ever. Nothing melts my heart more than my boys!! I don't think it would have mattered what gender you had- people probably would have said something regardless, especially since yours are so close in age. You are right about being blessed with healthy kids. I know I often take that for granted! Love the pics and updates!

Anonymous said...

It's about time! I love my boys too, and yes it is a blessing! I can't wait to see them again!

Jenna said...

Yeah! I was so glad to click on your blog and see it updated.
Your boys really are precious blessings. I get comments all of the time when I am out with my boys, a lot of them with pity in their voice. I don't need pity, I am so blessed to have my boys!

It was fun "running" into you and Jay on the street. I miss seeing you guys as much as we used to see you!

tamandscott said...

I love your boys. Glad you're back.

See-Dub said...

"You really got your hands full" is the line we always got since ours are so close together. We wouldn't have wanted it any other way!

Great pictures!

Holly Moulder said...

You are definitely blessed. I bet the comments were just a lighthearted joke bc most ppl views boys as "snakes and snails and puppy dog tails" I know Hadley is 2 handfuls and Bethany's a walk in the park. I can't wait to see your boys in their teen years. I think teen boys are the funniest of all God's creatures. :) Bethany will probably have my hands and feet full of drama while Hadley and friends eat the house down.

Anonymous said...

Hello, hello, hellooo?
Like you don't have time to update, Please!

tamandscott said...

Ok, the rule is that if you get a really cutie new header, YOU HAVE TO ADD AN UPDATE!