Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jay's Surgery

I know most of you have been following my sister's blog to stay updated with Jay but I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone for your continuous show of love and support for us during this time. We have felt your prayers and have truly been overwhelmed by your outpouring of love. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives. We love you all!

I am back at the hotel after a very long day and was able to see Jay before I left for a little while. He said that he had a "wicked headache" and was having some nausea but all things considered I think he looked great. When I called to check on him once I got back to the room the nurse said he was sleeping so I am hoping that he is able to get some rest tonight.

The boys and I are holding up well. I know they are ready to see their Daddy and hopefully they can go see him once he is out of ICU either tomorrow afternoon or Saturday morning. I will head back up to the hospital tomorrow morning and let Karrie know how Jay is doing so that she can continue to keep everyone updated on her blog. Please continue to pray for Jay as he continues to heal and recover. We are hoping for a quick recovery with no complications and we are glad to have this part behind us.

Thank you again for your love and support and for all of the kind thoughts and words. You have no idea what it has meant to us. Again, we are so blessed! Love to you all!


Anonymous said...


Jared and I are glad you made it safe and have been following the updates. We're thinking and praying for you guys!


See-Dub said...

Good to hear from y'all! We're praying, praying, praying for complete healing and hearing!

Jenna said...

So glad to hear from you. We continue to pray for you guys! I am so thankful that the first hurdle is complete!!! Love you guys!

Tami said...

We are praying for you guys!

Kevin and Laura said...

Hi Laurie,

I have been so out of the loop since the girls were born, but I saw Jay's name on the prayer list. We will be praying for him. Can you post a link to your sister's blog?