Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ride 'em Cowboys!!

Brady and Collin are getting to where they play so good together (for the most part anyway)! They are so funny to watch. Brady is the typical big brother bossing Collin around, and Collin does everything his big brother says or does. They seriously crack each other (and me) up. I hope they will always be best buddies no matter how old they are.

Here are Brady and Collin "ridin' the range" this morning in Logan's room. Note how under no circumstance will Collin let go of the sucker in his right hand. Too cute even if I do say so myself!!

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Anonymous said...

Glad you figured it out! Too cute! I want to see Logan jump in his jumpie! Tatum came running to see Brady on the puter. Now she is asking to go see him!

Jennifer said...

Look at you go..........you are quite the blogger these days. You will now have to show me how you add video. I'm horrible at that kind of thing.

Looks like the boys had a fun morning. Very cute!!

tamandscott said...

I'm glad you figured the video out! I love those sweetie boys!

Holly Moulder said...

ridin' the range, ridin' the range let's, yahoo!