No, this isn't a tale about last night's dinner menu, just a few random cute and funny things that have happened over the past few days.
Brady has been asking us for a while if he could get another fish. His last fish, Scooter (God rest his soul), only lasted a little while (emphasis on little) and I have not really wanted to get another one because it seems like I end up doing all the work. I think that is why Scooter #1 probably met such an early demise if I am being totally honest, relying on me to clean his tank and all!! So yesterday I finally caved and decided that we would go and get another fish. He picked out a really pretty fan tail goldfish (26 cents at your local Petsmart) and named him, of course, Scooter again! We got home and I cleaned up the tank and set it back up so Scooter #2 could have his new home. Hopefully his fate will be better than his predecessor!!
Here is a picture of Brady and his new pet. He really was so cute! He kept telling the fish , "I am going to take really good care of you." He is such a proud fish daddy! Ha!
I decided last night that I would expand Logan's culinary experience to something other than rice cereal. I was so excited because I just knew that he would love getting something new and different. Unfortunately, as you will see, the pictures show a different story! I tried giving him carrots and he did not seem to like them at all! I kept trying but he just kept making faces, gagging and spitting them out! So, back to the rice cereal it is. I will try again of course, Rome wasn't built in a day right???
Those of you who know Collin know what a sweet and jolly little boy that he can be. What some of you may not realize is that under that sweet and jolly exterior lies a Drama King extraordinaire! Yesterday he told me that he wanted a cookie. (I don't keep cookies in the house much because I am trying to lose weight and I have no will power whatsoever). I asked him what kind of cookie he wanted and he said and I quote, "A Tinkerbell cookie." I have no idea what a Tinkerbell cookie is or if they even exist (my Mom gave him "Peter Pan" for his birthday so I am guessing that is where the Tinkerbell came from) so I asked him what a Tinkerbell cookie looks like and he said, "Brown". Hmmm, Brown...I need a little bit more to go on...I told him that I did not have any brown Tinkerbell cookies or any other color Tinkerbell cookies or any cookies at all for that matter and he promptly turned on the drama! He went and stood against the bar and pouted for like 15 minutes! It was the most pitiful thing I have ever seen! I wish that the picture that follows came with sound because to get the full effect you really need to hear the pitiful sighs that came about every 10 seconds with the pouty face! So..if anyone knows where I might can find brown Tinkerbell cookies, please do tell!!!!
This is a picture of a strawberry that Brady colored one day this week. I know I am a little biased and all but I think that this is an amazing coloring job for a 3, almost 4 year old! Notice how he got the right color in the right place (for the most part anyway)! I am really impressed! I am no art critic but I think he totally nailed the essence of the strawberry! Move over Van Gogh!!!
On a different note, Jay and I celebrate our six year anniversary today! I can not believe that we have been married for six years already! Six years and 3 kids later I can truly say that I love Jay more with every day that passes and that I feel so very blessed to be his wife and the mother of his children. So here is to many, many more years together! I love you Jay!!!