Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A Lesson Learned the Hard Way

I learned a lesson this morning. One that after having two kids already you would have thought I would have learned but, I guess not. What is that lesson you may be asking?? NEVER LEAVE AN 11 MONTH OLD UNATTENDED EVEN FOR ONE MINUTE!!!!!

Brady woke up this morning wanting what we at our house call cup-cake cookies. You know the ones I am talking about. Lots of messy bright pink frosting and sprinkles. Anyhoo, Jay had to go to the store anyway so he picked some up while he was out. Here is where to trouble begins. Brady, Collin and Jay were all playing on the computer. Logan is sitting on the floor watching cartoons and playing with his toys so I thought, "Hey, while everyone is happy I will go ahead and go get dressed." I go back to my room for I swear just a minute and when I come back into the living room, this is the scene that I find.........

The Cookie Monster!!!!!!!!!

Note the discarded pacifier in the empty cookie container. Cookies are way better than my pappies!!!
You can't possibly get mad when I look this cute can you???
Sweet, Sweet Victory!! (Literally)

Oh, yeah..cookies everywhere! I guess Collin had taken the cookies off the dining room table and put them on the coffee table right within Logan's reach! He thought he had hit the jackpot!! It really was pretty funny (except for the pink frosting smooshed into the carpet)! Do I think that this happening on the morning of Jay's scheduled Vasectomy is purely coincidental?? I think not!!!! This just reassured me that we are indeed SO DONE!!!!!! Seriously though, Jay's procedure was bittersweet for me. Bitter in the fact that unless God has bigger plans, we are done having babies. Sweet in the fact that we have the next chapter in our life with older kids to look forward to. I wouldn't miss any of it or give any of it back for the world!!! So here is to a lifetime of more messes, some funny and some not so funny I am sure. At least I have all of you along for the ride!!!


Jennifer said...

Love it!!!

Lisa said...

Too funny! He has his Aunt Lisa's sweet tooth!

Anonymous said...

That is too funny!

What kind of mom are you letting your child eat those cookies for breakfast? Heeheehee!!

Those are my FAVORITE cookies!

tamandscott said...

This is hilarious!! I hope Jay is feeling ok.

PB said...

This is the best blog I've read in a while. How funny! It sounds like God played a great joke on you making things so coincidental. I feel for you and your bittersweet feelings. Even at my age I still wonder if that was the right choice for us. My husband always assures me it was right, due to my high risk pregnancy. But what if...? I hope Jay has a relaxing weekend laying around. :)

Do you have an cookies left? YUM!

Jenna said...

Love it!!!

Hope Jay is feeling okay! There is that sadness when you know you won't be having any more kids, even when you are sure that you are done.

Tami said...

That cracks me up!!

I just saw that you are coordinating the ovarian cancer walk team. I WILL BE OUT OF TOWN!! I am so sad I won't be there, but if there is ANYTHING I can do to help you, let me know!

Holly Moulder said...

That's so cute! I think some of the best advice I ever got was to take pictures of your kids doing the bad stuff before you clean it up! It's so funny to look back at later. :)